Terms of Use

Important: The text written in italics is a non-binding, non-legalistic translation of the official and binding text. If you're not a lawyer, this should be helpful.

The following Terms of Use constitute the agreement between the Service Provider who is the owner of silverpriceforecast.com, the PriceCast mobile app, and the Users who access the Website or use our Services by any other means. All information and rules contained in this document apply to every User of the Website or Services. By the act of accessing the Website or by using our Services, you fully and explicitly acknowledge all content of this document and agree with each part hereof. If you do not agree with any of these terms and conditions, please do not access this Website and discontinue the use of our Services. The violation of these terms and conditions may result in termination of your account or other liability. The Service Provider may amend this Agreement at any time, at its sole discretion, effective upon posting the amended Agreement at the domain or subdomains of silverpriceforecast.com or in the PriceCast app, where the prior version of this Agreement was posted and maintaining the information about a change for at least 14 days, or by communicating these changes through any other written contact method we have established with you.

The Terms of Use are available on the Service Provider’s Website at https://www.goldpriceforecast.com/terms-of-use/

Everyone can read the content of these Terms of Use free of charge.

The Terms of Use are made available in a form that allows for their storage and retrieval in the ordinary course of activities (in the format of an HTML or PDF document). At the explicit request of the User, the Service Provider will send the User a copy of the Terms of Use in PDF format to the User’s e-mail address provided by them.

Before using the Website, the User is obligated to read the Terms of Use.

Each User is obligated to comply with the provisions of the Terms of Use from the moment they start using the Services.

In order to properly and fully use the Website and provide the Services, the User should have a device with Internet access, an Internet Explorer 7.0 or higher browser, or software with similar parameters (e.g., Mozilla Firefox 3.0), supporting the “cookies” technology. In addition, the User should have an up-to-date and properly functioning electronic mailbox (e-mail) and JavaScript should be enabled in the User’s browser.

1. Definitions

The following part of this document will include definitions of the terms used -

  • The Service Provider – Golden Meadow sp. z o.o. (further referred to as “Golden Meadow”) with its registered office: Hutnicza 34, 81-061 Gdynia, Poland, European Union, providing electronic services via its Website.

  • The Service – the lack of restrictions to access a particular content of the Website, regardless of whether this content is in fact used or not. The term Service does not mean the act of using Website in any way.

  • The Free Service – the lack of restrictions to access publicly available content on the Website and the ability to view and read text, graphic, interactive, audio/or video materials as well as data posted on the Website by Users, as well as free notifications about new content being available on The Website. The notifications will take place through the use of i.a. the free mailing list, web-push notifications, mobile notifications, and use of other means that online and mobile technologies allow.

  • The Commercial Service – the lack of restrictions to access content on specific parts of the Website and the ability to view and read text, graphic, interactive, audio, and/or video materials as well as data posted on the Website by Users, as well as notifications about new content being available on The Website. The notifications will take place through the use of i.a., the mailing list, web-push notifications, mobile notifications, and use of other means that online and mobile technologies allow.

  • The Website – any and all of the websites owned by Golden Meadow including but not limited to: silverpriceforecast.com, and any and all mobile apps owned by Golden Meadow, including but not limited to the PriceCast mobile app.

  • Users – All, who access or establish a connection to the Website

  • Registered Users – All, who have registered on the Website

  • Subscribers – All, who have paid (and we acknowledged the receipt of this payment) for at least one of our Commercial Services. You do not become a Subscriber at the moment you send the payment. You do not become a Subscriber at the moment you access a port of the Website available only to Subscribers. You become a Subscriber at the moment we acknowledge the receipt of your payment.

  • Links – Hyperlinks and references to other websites

In other words: If you subscribe but then don’t use our services because your computer breaks down, the Martians invade, etc., you will still be billed normally. There’s a 30-day money back guarantee, though, so no worries.

2. Types and Scope of Services

2.1. The Services offered on the Website are:

  • Providing access to The Free Service

  • Providing access to Commercial Services

2.2. The conclusion of the Agreement for the provision of the Service takes place through:

  • In relation to the Service of access to publicly available content on the Website (part of the Free Service) – the Users entry to the Website.

  • In relation to the Service of signing up for the free notifications (part of the Free Service) – filling in the appropriate form, voluntary consent to the sending of analytical and commercial information by electronic means, and clicking the acceptance button (e.g., “Sign up”), accepting the web-push notification in the User’s browser, and/or accepting notifications in User’s mobile device.

  • In relation to the Commercial Service – filling in the appropriate form, voluntary consent to the sending of analytical and commercial information by electronic means and clicking and acceptance button (e.g., “Subscribe”) accepting the web-push notification in the User’s browser, and/or accepting notifications in the User’s mobile device.

2.3. The User’s use of services may require the Customer to provide his personal data. The rules for the processing of User’s personal data by the Service Provider can be found at: https://www.goldpriceforecast.com/privacy-policy/

2.4. The User is obligated to provide only true data and those that they can provide, and their provision or subsequent use on the Website in the normal course of activities does not infringe the rights of third parties.

In other words: we can provide both free and premium services. In all likelihood the free services will be the free mailing list (perhaps also using other notification means) and access to financial articles free of charge, and the premium services will be like free services, but with much more detailed information, and available only after subscribing and covering the first payment.

3. Obligations of the User

The User is obligated to use the Website and the services offered there in a manner consistent with applicable regulations, principles of social coexistence, and good manners.

Users are prohibited from:

  • provision of illegal content, in particular, but not exclusively, content that violates the personal rights of third parties (especially offensive, calumniatory or libelous), provocative content to racial, ethnic or religious hatred, generally violating content adopted social norms.

  • Take any action that would cause any disruption work or overload of the Service Provider’s or other IT systems’ entities that are directly or indirectly involved in the provision of services by electronic means, including but not limited to causing the bypassing of security, installing malicious software, posting content in places not intended for this.

The Service Provider does not perform an automatic review of the content posted on the Website. If the User notices content that violates the above-mentioned provisions, and in particular, notices the illegal nature of the content posted on the Website, the User is obliged to provide the Service Provider, via the Help Center, with information about this illegal content, as well as to provide reliable information confirming the illegal nature of this content.

If the Service Provider is updating or changing the website or technology used to provide the Service, Free Service, or Commercial Service, Users, Registered Users and Subscribers shall use the new website or technology provided by or suggested by the Service Provider.

In case of Subscribers, using the new website or technology shall be understood as subscribing to the analogous services on the new platform and entering their payment details on the new website or using the new technology. If applicable, the subscriber shall pay the fee for the transition as long as it’s smaller or equal to 10 USD. This fee might be collected just once per transition, and in no case will it be collected more than once per year.

4. Copyright and Distribution

All rights, including, but not limited to, the intellectual property rights such as content, services, trademarks, service marks, copyright, trade names and other rights used or expressed in the Website are and shall remain the exclusive property of Golden Meadow, its licensors or third party providers, suppliers of charts or data or other linked services.

Except as expressly permitted in these Terms of Use, no party accessing the Website shall reproduce, modify, copy, frame or prepare derivative works based upon, distribute, sell, transfer, publicly display, publicly perform, transmit, or otherwise use the Website, its content and Services. It is forbidden for any party accessing the Website to copy, modify, reverse engineer, gain unauthorized access to, or in any way alter any software included in or posted on this Website.

You shall not transfer, share, rent, sell, resell or distribute in any other form any material (including, but not limited to, all tools, information, graphics, postings, responses to postings, essays and text), available exclusively for Registered Users. The distribution of essays, reports, messages received from Golden Meadow, and posting them on the Internet is strictly prohibited, unless proper attribution is provided.

Golden Meadow’s logotypes, trademarks, trade names, screen shots, service marks, copyrighted designs, scripts, applets found on the Website are copyrighted property of Golden Meadow.

You agree to use the data, information and results of calculations made using any tool found on this Website only for your own purposes. Any commercial use of any content including, but not limited to, data, information and results of calculations made using any tool found on the Website is forbidden without written permission of Golden Meadow. If you wish to use any content of the Website for commercial purposes, please contact us for details regarding the availability and pricing.

It is allowed to link to the Website, or particular essays or web pages, which can be accessed without registration, however direct links to individual charts, graphics, programs, applications, and data files on the Website are forbidden.

In other words: You can link to us but don't even think about making money off of our content without contacting us prior to doing so. As far as copying free content is concerned, please read the following section for details.

5. Proper attribution

Use of any content on the Website outside the Service without a proper attribution of Services is not allowed. You are solely responsible to reuse any content of the Website, providing proper attribution. Proper attribution is understood as placing an appropriate link directing to the publication from the Website to which you refer or to the homepage of the website from which content you are sharing.

Attribution should always be made to a given page of the website or to its homepage, not to individual charts, images, videos, or interactive tools.

You may quote the articles posted on our Website as long as you quote not more than three paragraphs per article per day.

You may quote or share only parts of the Website that are available publicly (without registration, or login).

You may not post parts of any of our Websites using the iframe or similar technologies that would allow for publishing dynamically-generated content. You may share only static parts of our Websites.

We may grant some Users exceptions from the rules described in this section, however, we will do this at our sole discretion.

In other words: You are welcome to share parts of our websites’ content, especially individual in-house developed charts, as long as they are not behind a login-wall or pay-wall, and that you keep it to three paragraphs in case of text, and you link back to us.

6. Account information

You shall not transfer, share, rent, sell or distribute in any other form your username or password, that may be used to access your account on the Website. You shall not disclose your password to any third party.

You agree that you are responsible for the confidentiality of your username and password. You are and shall be held responsible for any and all activities that are conducted through your account, whether or not you have authorized such activities or actions. You shall immediately notify Golden Meadow of any unauthorized use of your password.

The free trial is available only once per each individual. It is forbidden for you to create more than one account per person.

In other words: Don't give out your account details and don't create more than one account. We may block access to all of our content for those who violate this rule.

7. Payment

The access to our Services requires payment with exception of services described herein or in the content of the Website as free. The fees for our Services differ due to various factors including type of service and the time period for which you pay. You agree to pay all applicable fees, charges and taxes that are associated with our Commercial Services, as specified in policies on the applicable enrollment screens. You acknowledge that the payments for using our Services have been and will be made using a credit card or other means by you or on your behalf. In order to pay using a credit card you- the cardholder- must confirm that you are at least 18 years old. If you find and wish to use a particular Service described neither as the Free Service or Commercial Service or the description regarding payment or lack of thereof is unclear to you, you are obliged to contact us (you may use our Help Center and ask about the pricing.

You agree to pay all taxes that are applicable under your jurisdiction, along with payment for the Service.

The payment is made for the ability to access our Commercial Services, therefore all fees, charges and applicable taxes depend on the lack of restrictions to access a particular content or service (as specifically expressed on the respective enrollment screens) - regardless of whether these services, content, information, or websites are used or not.

The beginning date of all Services (including Free Services and Commercial Services) is the day, on which you obtain access to the particular Service or content. In case of Free Services available to Registered Users that is the day of your registration. In case of Commercial Services, the beginning date is the day that Golden Meadow acknowledges the receipt of your payment.

Golden Meadow accepts refund requests for all products and services, unless the product or service description page describes a different refund policy. In case the product's or service's description page describes a different refund policy, that product-specific or service-specific refund policy shall apply for this specific product or service.

In case of all payments, Golden Meadow refunds payments only if the request is received within maximum of 30 days from the date on the receipt, and the maximum refund amount is limited to the amount on this particular receipt. Golden Meadow will only refund payments for the Subscriber's first 3 requests.

Golden Meadow reserves the right, it its sole discretion, to limit or deny the refund requests in case we believe that there is a refund abuse. In particular (this is not an exhaustive list), this applies in the following cases:

  • In case of pre-recorded or cohort-based (masterclass) courses, a notable amount of the course has already been downloaded, accessed, or consumed, before the refund request was received by us.

  • Multiple refunds have been requested for the same service.

  • Excessive refunds have been requested.

  • The clients, whose accounts were reported, banned, or removed from the course due to violation of our Terms of Use, Community Guidelines, or rules stated within the course.

As long as you do not cancel the subscription, you are required to pay any and all applicable charges for the Services.

If you pay by credit card or conduct an online money transfer and you do not receive confirmation that the money was received by us within 48 hours, you are obliged to contact us in that matter.

There shall be no refunds by the Service Provider on any payments by Subscribers during the transition period from an old website or old technology to new website or new technology. This period starts on the day of the announcement of the transition and it extends to 90 days after the announcement of transition has been made, or to the day when a given Subscriber started using the new technology plus 90 days, whichever period is longer.

During the transition from an old website or old technology to new website and new technology, if a given Subscriber doesn’t subscribe to the analogous services on the new platform (or they don’t cancel their subscription), the Subscriber agrees to pay the late-transition fee in addition to other fees that are due to the Service Provider. The late-transition fee is 199 USD per month.

In other words: Subscriptions are renewed automatically, however this is done for your convenience, not the other way around. You have 30 days from each payment to request its refund for whatever reason.

8. Resignation

The User who is a consumer (i.e., a natural person who performs a legal transaction with the entrepreneur not directly related to his business or professional activity), has the right to withdraw from any Agreement for the provision of services concluded with the Service Provider, within 30 days from the date of conclusion of such Agreement. The declaration of withdrawal from the Agreement should be made in writing. To meet the deadline, it is enough to send the statement by registered mail to the address of the Service Provider before the deadline. The declaration of withdrawal from the Agreement may also be submitted in electronic form using our Help Center. The withdrawal form is available here, but consumer can use his own form, which should include at least: a) the place and date of the declaration, b) your name and surname, c) your mailing address, d) declaration on withdrawal from the Agreement for the provision of the service, indicating the date of its conclusion, e) handwritten, legible signature of the User.

In addition, you may cancel your subscription at any moment, however, Golden Meadow refunds payments only if the refund request is received within 30 days from the date on the receipt, which corresponds to the date of the payment for which a refund is requested. Golden Meadow will only refund payments for the Subscriber's first 3 requests. Golden Meadow does not prorate any payments, charges, fees, or taxes (if applicable) on any type of Service, regardless of the term for which the Service has been paid.

Your cancellation will be confirmed by e-mail either by Golden Meadow or by PayPal. If you do not receive such an e-mail from Golden Meadow or PayPal that means that we did not receive your cancellation request and your subscription was NOT canceled and that you will be charged for the next period of using our Services as you would be, if no cancellation request was made. You are responsible for contacting Golden Meadow to make sure your request is processed. In order to reach us, you may use our Help Center.

Golden Meadow will process cancellation requests made via e-mail or the contact form on the website within 2 business days. The cancellation that you can do on your own on the website will come into effect immediately.

In other words: If you canceled your subscription but didn't receive a confirmation email from us, it means that we didn't receive your request and your subscription was not canceled. In this case, retry or contact us by using our Help Center. Also, be sure to give us some time to cancel the subscription for you - we usually do it within a few hours, but it could take up to 2 business (!) days. If you want to cancel a subscription, it's generally best if you do it yourself on the website - it will cancel the subscription immediately and you'll see it right on your screen.

9. Pricing

The pricing of our Services may change. The price that you pay for the Service is valid only for the period that you have paid for. The price may change during your Subscription period. In case of an automatic renewal of subscription, the next payment after the price of Services changed will reflect that change. Your credit card charge or other form of payment will be automatically charged or debited unless you have canceled your subscription. To avoid being charged for the next period under new terms, you shall cancel your subscription, prior to the renewal date.

All subscriptions on Commercial Services at Golden Meadow are provided on a continuous renewal basis, unless indicated otherwise. Your subscription shall be renewed for the same period that you were subscribed to, prior to the date of the renewal, unless indicated otherwise on the subscription page.

While changing the technology or website that is used to provide the Service, Free Service, or Commercial Service, the Service Provider might temporarily introduce additional fee of 199 USD per month for a given Subscriber for as long as the Subscriber does not enroll in a payment plan on the new website using new technology (or cancel the subscription), thus forcing the Service Provider to continue to provide the Commercial Service using the old website or old technology. This additional fee may be voided at Service Provider’s discretion.

In other words: We may change the prices of our services in the future (and probably will as the Fed is printing lots of dollars and the prices of virtually everything will rise) and in that case the new prices will apply from the closest renewal date. We will let you know about that in advance, and we will strive to first improve our service and then increase prices. Also, since statistically only a few percent of people read the Terms of Use, we want to reward those that do. If you noticed this text, contact us, and ask us about the "terms of use bonus".

10. Lifetime Subscriptions

The payments for all lifetime subscriptions are non-refundable unless indicated otherwise.

Only one person may use the account. Third parties (family members, business partners, friends etc.) could be added to a given account at preferred terms, but in each case the terms on which the account could be shared, will be confirmed in writing. Unless clear permission is given, it is not permitted to share the account information with any third party.

Golden Meadow or individual authors cannot and do not guarantee the continuity of any service. The payments for lifetime subscriptions will be partially refunded for individual products only if all of the following conditions are met:

  • the product that the subscription was provided for ceases to exist (this does not cover changing the author of the publication)

  • the refund is requested in writing (e-mail or using the contact form is sufficient)

  • the refund is requested within the first 3 years after the payment for the lifetime subscription.

In other words: In general, there are no refunds when it comes to the Lifetime Subscriptions (it might be a good idea to initially subscribe to a regular subscription to try a given product before subscribing to its lifetime version). Even though we’ll strive to provide the service as we do when you subscribe (or provide more after some time instead of providing less), we can’t guarantee anything because “lifetime” is a very long time, and since our work is mostly analyst-dependent, a lot can change. For instance, if your favorite author falls into a coma, we don’t want to risk breaking the company’s liquidity in case there are multiple refund requests at that time. We will strive to make sure that you are happy with our services, but since we can’t know what will happen in a few years, we can’t legally guarantee everything.

11. Risks and warranties

You agree to use the Services solely at your own risk. Golden Meadow or any third party (including, but not limited to, Golden Meadow's owners, employees, analysts, featured authors, associates, parents, directors, subsidiaries, affiliates, agents, data providers, other content providers, licensors) DO NOT warrant completeness, accuracy and reliability of any content on the Website or sent as an e-mail message, posted in any section of the Website or responses for messages or postings, or any content found or services offered on any other websites (including, but not limited to, websites and links to which can be found on the Website). Golden Meadow, its owners, and any other third party (including, but not limited to, Golden Meadow's employees, analysts, featured authors, associates, parents, directors, subsidiaries, affiliates, assigns, agents, data providers, other content providers, licensors) DO NOT warrant that the service or websites, and links to which can be found on the Website shall be free of errors, viruses, or potentially harmful codes. Golden Meadow disclaims all warranties – express, implied, or statutory (including, but not limited to, the warranties of merchantability, title, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement of third-party rights). Golden Meadow shall not be held responsible or liable for any damages of any kind arising from the use of the Website, including without limitation, direct, indirect, incidental, punitive and consequential damages.

No information, data, and formulas used to make calculations on the Website are guaranteed to be accurate, complete, useful, or timely.

All content of the Website (including, but not limited to, scripts, applications, and other software available on the Website) is for entertainment and educational purposes only. You agree to use them at your sole risk.

The Website and all its contents (including, but not limited to, all interactive tools, charts, scripts, software, applets, applications, information, graphics, videos, postings, responses to postings, essays, text, and links) are provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis.

In other words: We prepare our analysis and tools based on data from sources that we find trustworthy, but as they don't legally guarantee the accuracy of their data, neither can we. We will serve you to the best of our abilities, but it will be you who makes the investment decisions and makes the trades/investments. More importantly, we are not responsible for anything what you do or don't do based on our services. You are responsible for your investment decisions (and investments/speculation are risky) - not us.

12. Liability

Golden Meadow or any third party (including, but not limited to, Golden Meadow's owners, employees, analysts, featured authors, associates, parents, directors, subsidiaries, affiliates, assigns, agents, data providers, other content providers, licensors) shall not be liable for damages of any kind (including, but not limited to, direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential damage, losses or expenses that arose in connection with the Website) connected with the Website in any way (including, but not limited to, the use or the inability to use any interactive tools, programs, scripts, applets, applications, videos, codes, information, charts, graphics, postings, responses to postings, essays, text, links or the Service itself) or with the use of the information contained on the Website for any reason whatsoever.

Golden Meadow or any third party (including, but not limited to, Golden Meadow's owners, employees, analysts, featured authors, associates, parents, directors, subsidiaries, affiliates, assigns, agents, data providers, other content providers, licensors) shall not be liable for any interruption in the access to the service (including, but not limited to, the failure to access the website, other omissions and errors, interruptions, delays, defects, computers viruses or any other harmful codes, system or connection failures).

Golden Meadow or any third party (including, but not limited to, Golden Meadow's owners, employees, analysts, featured authors, associates, parents, directors, subsidiaries, affiliates, assigns, agents, data providers, other content providers, licensors) shall not be liable for any content found or services offered on any other websites (including, but not limited to, websites, and links to which can be found on the Website). You agree that you use such websites at your sole risk.

All of the limitations contained or referred to herein apply whether or not the party liable or allegedly liable knew (or had the possibility to obtain such information) about the possibility of damage, injury, or harm.

This protection covers claims based on warranty, contract, tort, strict liability, and any other legal theory.

Golden Meadow or any third party (including, but not limited to, Golden Meadow's owners, employees, analysts, featured authors, associates, parents, directors, subsidiaries, affiliates, assigns, agents, data providers, other content providers, licensors) is not responsible or liable for any offensive, illegal, calumniatory or libelous conduct of any User.

If, on any basis, Golden Meadow is obliged to pay compensation in connection with any offensive, illegal, calumniatory or libelous conduct of any User, Golden Meadow will be entitled to pursue recourse claims against the User who has committed such an infringement. The damage caused by such an event may include, in particular, monetary damages, court costs, and attorneys’ fees.

You understand that at certain times unexpected events and system failures may negatively influence or even totally disrupt Golden Meadow's or a third party's (including, but not limited to, data providers) ability to update data, charts, content, send messages, process orders and payment. You agree that Golden Meadow may not be liable for damages, harms or injuries resulting from such events.

The total liability of Golden Meadow for claims of injuries, losses or damages shall be limited to the amount of your actual damages, not to exceed the amount paid by you to Golden Meadow during the six (6) months, prior to any claim of injury or damage. You fully and explicitly agree that any claim shall not exceed this amount in any event.

In other words: This is a message to other lawyers that more or less says, "Don't bother."

13. Complaints

If the Service described herein is not provided at all or the means of providing the Service violate the Terms of Use, the User may send a complaint. Alternatively, you may fill out an Online Dispute Resolution

All complaints concerning the Service shall be sent through our Help Center.

The body of text in a complaint must include first name, last name, and login used to access the Service, as well as a detailed description and reason for submitting a complaint.

Complaints shall be considered by Golden Meadow within 15 business days upon receiving the complaint in the aforementioned form. Confirmation will be sent when a complaint is received. If you do not receive such a confirmation, this means that your complaint has not been received and is not being considered. You are responsible for making sure that your complaint is received.

The person submitting a complaint shall be notified on the manner of considering the complaint by e-mail, to the address corresponding to the provided login. Only under special circumstances will another e-mail address be considered. Such an additional e-mail address shall be provided by the User in the content of the complaint.

In other words: It usually takes us between 0 to 2 business days to reply to a message, but we guarantee a reply to a complaint within 15 business days.

14. Priority of transactions

The authors and other content providers may or may not be providing investment management services, and the results of their work may benefit the clients of these services before they are presented in any analysis or alert via the Website. The authors and other content providers may or may not manage their own capital through the above-mentioned services or through other means, and therefore may benefit personally from their work prior to any analysis or alert being made available via the Website.

In other words: The authors may be placing trades before writing about it, and while we’ll discourage authors from such practices, we can’t guarantee that the above won’t be the case, and we can’t be held responsible if this is indeed the case. Again, this is discouraged by us, but each author can make the decision on their own and disclose it in their profile. However, we can’t guarantee that the authors indeed follow their stated approaches. It could also be the case that higher levels of service are available from a given author and this might mean that they have to – ethically – enter trades before they describe them in their analyses.

15. Other provisions

If any part of this Agreement is determined to be invalid or unenforceable pursuant to applicable law including, but not limited to, the warranty disclaimers and liability limitations set forth above, then the invalid or unenforceable provision will be deemed superseded by a valid, enforceable provision that most closely matches the intent of the original provision and the remainder of the Agreement shall continue in effect.

Golden Meadow does not guarantee the security of any information electronically transmitted and is not liable if the information contained in a message sent using any communication method is not a proper and complete record of the message as transmitted by the sender, nor for any delay in its receipt.

The Service Provider shall not provide content which is illegal.

In order to see the e-mail addresses contained herein, the JavaScript must be turned on in your web browser.

This Agreement is governed by the laws of the Republic of Poland. You consent to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of courts in the Republic of Poland in all disputes arising out of or relating to the use of this Website. The use of the Website is unauthorized in any jurisdiction that does not give effect to all provisions of the terms and conditions contained herein, including without limitation this paragraph.

The term “owners of silverpriceforecast.com" refers to “Golden Meadow sp. z o.o., Hutnicza 34 81-061 Gdynia, Poland, European Union”. The ownership may change in the future. In the case of a change in the ownership of the company, this document shall provide new information about who the new owner is. Unless the User cancels his/her subscription, he/she shall be immediately bound by the new terms of use.

You shall not copy or modify the HTML code used to generate web pages on the Website. You shall not use the Website, its content, or services on or in connection with any other website, for any purpose.

Additional or different terms and conditions or notices may apply to specific content, materials, information, software or other products and services offered through the Website. In the event of any conflict, such additional or different terms, conditions, and notices will prevail over these Terms of Use.

In other words: A typo doesn't invalidate this agreement, and we will not provide you with illegal stuff.

16. Disclaimer

All essays, research and information found on the Website represent the analyses and opinions of individual authors, other content creators, and Golden Meadow's associates only. As such, it may prove wrong and be a subject to change without notice. Opinions and analyses were based on data available to authors of respective essays at the time of writing. Although the information provided on the Website is based on careful research and sources that are believed to be accurate, Golden Meadow, its owners, and its associates do not guarantee the accuracy or thoroughness of the data or information reported. The opinions published on the Website belong to individual authors, other content creators, or respective associates and are neither an offer nor a recommendation to purchase or sell securities. Unless indicated otherwise, individual authors, and other content creators featured on the Website, are not Registered Securities Advisors. Individual authors and other content creators featured on the Website do not recommend investment or trading services, investment or trading products, business or investment in any company mentioned in any of their essays or reports, and any mention of the said services or products should and can only be viewed as their personal opinions only. Materials published on the Website have been prepared for your private use, and their sole purpose is to educate readers about various investments. By reading individual authors’ and other featured content creators’ essays or reports, you fully agree that neither they individually, nor Golden Meadow, will not be held responsible or liable for any decisions you make regarding any information provided in these essays or reports. Investing, trading, and speculation in any financial markets may involve high risk of loss. We strongly advise that you consult a certified investment advisor, and we encourage you to do your own research before making any investment decision. Golden Meadow's owners, employees, featured authors, other content creators, and affiliates, as well as members of their families, may have a short or long position in any securities, including those mentioned in any of the reports or essays, and may make additional purchases and/or sales of those securities without notice.

In other words: If it wasn't already clear, we are not responsible for your investment decisions- you are.